Holy Temple of Deliverance is a nondenominational church located in the Historic Germantown section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
At Holy Temple of Deliverance you will find the Word of God, an awesome worship experience and great fellowship. Founded in 1995 under the leadership of Rev. Dominique Joachim, Sr. with evangelism and missions being the pulse of the ministry; our vision remains to Honor God, Be Soul Winners and To Meet The Needs of the Total Man.
Our mission is to reach the lost and to make disciples of all men through evangelism and world missions. Impacting and empowering lives through the teaching and preaching of the Word of God: to produce men, women and children of godly character and lifestyles; a people that understand the times and know what to do.. ..( I Chronicles 12:32 and Romans 13:11)
We confess that we are a people of excellence, faith integrity and abundance with renewed minds and a heart to serve. We declare excellence in our ministry skills through the help of the Holy Spirit. We confess as we operate in our assigned area of ministry throughout the community and the world that souls will be won and lives changed.
We decree that our families are blessed, covered by the atoning blood of Jesus Christ and that they will suffer no lack, hurt, harm or danger.

Honor God,
Be Soul Winners and
Meet The Needs of the Total Man